Books from my Lib
I don’t know how she does it - by Allison Pearson
This is a book which any working woman can easily relate one’s day to day experiences with. Managing home and work is no joke. One has to be patient, shrewd, smart, bold, loving, caring and what not and these have to be exhibited at the right place to the right people at the right time in right proportions and missing any of these would make life all the more difficult.
Women are born to take additional responsibilities in the current world. One part of women are more career oriented .They no more wish to stay at home to do only the house hold activities rather they love to come out and make the best out of whatever they have learnt. In this way they are also able to contribute a phenomenal amount in improving the economy of the family and also have a sense of satisfaction for whatever skills they possess. The other part of women is the typical house wife kind. When I say a typical house wife kind, I also would like to emphasize on one thing. Do not ever underestimate the women who play the role of house wife. Just like how a career woman strives to be the best at her work, the housewife tries to be or rather taken for granted most of the times to be at her best in doing the regular household chores. But the irony in life does not allow you to be only a career woman or only a house wife. A mixture of both is required in the long run when the woman transforms her status from a single to a wife/mother in today's world.
Kate Reddy is one such person who tries to be at her best both at home and at office and she never wants to compromise on any of these which makes her life all the more difficult. The more you want to be perfect the more challenging life is and the more the woman tries to strike that impossible balance between work and home the more difficult life seems to be.
I loved reading this book and I’m sure you would too. So go ahead and get a copy for yourself to know how this woman tries to make the impossible possible.
This is a book which any working woman can easily relate one’s day to day experiences with. Managing home and work is no joke. One has to be patient, shrewd, smart, bold, loving, caring and what not and these have to be exhibited at the right place to the right people at the right time in right proportions and missing any of these would make life all the more difficult.
Women are born to take additional responsibilities in the current world. One part of women are more career oriented .They no more wish to stay at home to do only the house hold activities rather they love to come out and make the best out of whatever they have learnt. In this way they are also able to contribute a phenomenal amount in improving the economy of the family and also have a sense of satisfaction for whatever skills they possess. The other part of women is the typical house wife kind. When I say a typical house wife kind, I also would like to emphasize on one thing. Do not ever underestimate the women who play the role of house wife. Just like how a career woman strives to be the best at her work, the housewife tries to be or rather taken for granted most of the times to be at her best in doing the regular household chores. But the irony in life does not allow you to be only a career woman or only a house wife. A mixture of both is required in the long run when the woman transforms her status from a single to a wife/mother in today's world.
Kate Reddy is one such person who tries to be at her best both at home and at office and she never wants to compromise on any of these which makes her life all the more difficult. The more you want to be perfect the more challenging life is and the more the woman tries to strike that impossible balance between work and home the more difficult life seems to be.
I loved reading this book and I’m sure you would too. So go ahead and get a copy for yourself to know how this woman tries to make the impossible possible.